May’s Contest Winners

Congratulations to the May contest winners.  Though all of those who rode that loop are winners for getting out there and having fun.  Roxanne indicated there was a good number of people that participated.  Kudos to Teresa Pollen, Tommy Williamson and Nathan Geib for being the winners.  And thanks to our sponsors #creekmorecoffee #wildculturebakery and #mountarrowsmithbrewing for the prizing!

The June contest is going to be superseded by some much needed trail maintenance.  The spring rains and sunshine has brought out all of that new plant growth that does well at hiding the trail.  The usual problem areas in the younger cut blocks (Pantyline, Temple Dogs, Dirt Farm) under the powerlines (Pumpkinator, Jughead)and other select sites (Machete, Walrus, P2P etc).  With all those people out there riding, it is time to make the trails safer for all.