Volunteering with ACC

It is our amazing and generous community of volunteers that make the Arrowsmith Cycling Club’s world go ’round.  Without the dedicated individuals who volunteer their time, we could not host the epic events that we do. Or keep the trails in good condition.  Thank you to the many, many volunteers who add their unique magic to everything they do.  

Upcoming Trail Work

If you can’t make a trail day, but are still keen to help out, our Trail Boss, Rodney would be happy to direct you to the trails in most need of your love.  Drop him at note at trails@arrowsmithcyclingclub.com, he would love to hear from you.

Check out our EVENTS page for upcoming trail days.

Upcoming Races

You can’t go wrong with spending time in an atmosphere charged with excitement and encouragement.  We do our best to match your interests, time availability, and skills to a position that works for you.  Volunteers are rewarded with meal tickets and entry into draws for cool swag donated by our sponsors.

Check out our EVENTS page for upcoming races.